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Itinerary 125A Alternative Path Orascio - Campagnano

Total length of the route: 1.980 Km
Travel time (outward route): 1:00 hrs
Travel time (return route): 0:50 hrs
Uphill: 384 m
Downhill : 0 m

From the square of Orascio, where the road coming up from Maccagno ends, go up as far as the wash house past the crossing to Sarangio on the left. Walk along the mule track and go past the crossing with Pianca on the right. Continue uphill along the mule track until you cross path 3V 10th Leg, Biegno-Maccagno and the mule track to Campagnano. Go ahead along the mule track, which gets steeper deeply in the woods, and reach the hairpin bend of the road that from Maccagno goes uphill to Campagnano and Lago Delio.
Walk for a short stretch along the paved road as far as the crossing with the mule track going from Campagnano to Pianca; turn left into it and crossing the paved road again, get to Campagnano, Piazza Solera.

{mosmap kml='images/file_gpx/125A_Variante_Orascio_Campagnano.GPX'}

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Via Luini 16
21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

PIVA: 01664110127


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