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Itinerary 171D Motte-Paü Farmhouse

Total length of the route: 1.750 Km
Walking time (outward route): 0:30 hrs
Walking time (return route): 0:30 hrs
Uphill: 10 m
Downhill: 101 m

This is an alternative to the 171-Bonga-Longhirolo path which links this tour to the Paù Farmhouse (Agriturismo).
It starts in Via delle Motte at the junction with the mule track going uphill to Monte Bedea: continue along Via delle Motte heading to Longhirolo until you reach the crossroads with Via Ca Donato and turn right. Go downwards as far as Ca Donato; and here keep right and go on along the paved road winding downhill in the meadows. Later on, this road becomes a dirt road taking you to the junction with the SP6 Via Dumenza. Turn left into the SP6 Via Dumenza heading to Luino and reach the junction on the left, next to an electrical plant on the dirt road leading you to the Paù Farmhouse.
Follow the dirt road between the meadows; walk past a fork to a private road on the left which winds uphill again to Ca Donato and get to the Paù Farmhouse - Agriturismo Paù at the end of the street.

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Via Luini 16
21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

PIVA: 01664110127


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