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Itinerary 421 Creva-Voldomino-Luino

Total length of the route: 5.340 Km
Walking time (outward route): 1:15 hrs
Walking time (return route): 1:20 hrs
Uphill: 30 m
Downhill : 60 m

The itinerary starts at Creva, Via Turati at the junction to Via del Cattel from which path 413, Alternative 3V 7th leg, Sette Termini-Creva starts and Path 3V, 7th leg, Muceno – Dumenza passes. Go along Via Turati heading to Luino, past the junction to Via Creva on the right; go past the roundabout, continue along Via Turati and take Via Molino on the right. Go along Via Molino, at the back the IMF factory, climb down a flight of steps as far as the bank of the River Tresa and reach the opposite bank walking over a small footbridge which has recently been restored. Walk up another flight of steps leading to the dirt road Via dei Lori on the right. Go through the wood high above the River Tresa bank, then go past a few houses until your reach Voldomino, at the junction with Via Montegrino, Via Gorizia and Via dei Martiri which you take on the right continuing as far as Piazza Piave. From here, go straight ahead, walking down Via Asmara as far as the Laghetto roundabout, at the Voldomino courthouse. Continue on the right along Via Asmara and turn into Via della Roggia on the left and turn left again into the bike path just where the street bends right. The bike path winds across the meadows, along the Moat Mondiscia leading near the bank of the River Tresa. Turn left here, heading to the bridge over the River Tresa and keeping along the bike path on the bank of the Torrent Margorabbia, reach the footbridge over the Torrent Margorabbia leading to the SS394 Via R.Stehli which you take on the right. Walk over the bridge on the River Tresa, go past the junction to Via Don Piero Folli and the railway underpass and get to the Ratti Roundabout where you reach the route of Path 3V, 7th leg, Muceno – Dumenza, which leads to the centre of Luino keeping right.

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Via Luini 16
21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

PIVA: 01664110127


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