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Itinerary 110 Biegno - Maccagno

Total length of the route: 16.750 Km
Travel time (outward route): 5:00 hrs
Travel time (return route): 5:35 hrs
Uphill: 494 m
Downhill : 1,183 m

The path begins at Biegno, at the bus turning area, and goes along the road towards Indemini until it reaches the mule track - now a tarmac road - on the left heading to Cangili,.
At the first hairpin turning go past the path to St. Anna on the right and continue as far as Cangili. Now keep heading for Monterecchio, going past the turning to Lozzo on the left and then the one to Passo Forcora. At Monterecchio, take the path to Passo Fontanarossa, go past the crossing to M.Covreto and the one to Rifugio Alpetto on the right. The path runs along the ridge towards M.Sirti, leaving the path to Armio at località Forcoletta on the right. When you have reached the Passo Forcora square, go downhill past the Rifugio, direction Lago Delio. Just before reaching the lake, leave the alternative path for the East shore of Lago Delio on the left and get to the bottom of the North Dam of Lago Delio, where the detour to Monti di Pino braches off on the right. Once you have reached the west end of the dam, you will see the turn to Albergo Diana, the Monti di Bassano, Bassano and to Monte Borgna on the right. The route continues along the west shore of the lake, on the tarmac road as far as the South Dam and a car park where it meets the alternative path for the East Shore and on the right the way to the Ristoro Lago Delio and to Bassano, along the path "della Crocetta". Continue along the paved road and cut out a hairpin turning by taking a section of the mule track and reach the beginning of the mule track leading to Musignano on the right; instead, if you continue on the road you will reach the path to Garabiolo and to the Montagnola. At Musignano you will see the turn towards Bassano and Tronzano on the right and reach the square where the path to Campagnano starts on the left. Take the road to Campagnano walking along it for about one hundred metres and then turn into the mule track to Sarangio on the right; here we find the turning to Campagnano on the left and then the one to Orascio on the right. The mule track continues heading forPianca but before getting there it crosses the path that leads to Campagnano from Orascio and then, on the right, the turn of the path to Orascio. The track reaches the tarmac road to Pianca, which continues as far as the turning to Entiglio on the right and later get to Pianca, where the path to Campagnano begins on the left. Take the mule track heading down to Veddo where there is the crossing with the mule track which lies on the track bed of the "Antica Strada della Veddasca".
Turn right, walk down a few bends offering a closer and closer view over Maccagno and the lake and in a few minutes you will get to the street leading to the centre of Maccagno and to the Railway Station; keep ing the paved road and crossing the bridge over the Giona torrent, you will reach the Local Information Centre, the arrival point of the path.

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21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

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