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Itinerary 424 Voldomino-Cremenaga

Total length of the route: 6.190 Km
Walking time (outward route): 1:40 hrs
Walking time (return route): 1:30 hrs
Uphill: 151 m
Downhill: 103 m

The itinerary starts at the car park of the courthouse at Voldomino, at the Laghetto roundabout.Walk up to Upper Voldomino, turn into Via Asmara and reach Piazza Piave; go along Via Martiri as far as the junction with Via dei Lori, Via Montegrino and Via Gorizia. Turn into Via Montegrino, a street leading up to the outskirts of Voldomino which continues upwards between meadows and thin woods as far as the junction to the road to Biviglione, which you take on the left; go on at half slope among meadows and fields and walk past the junction with path 413, Alternative 3V, 7th leg, Sette Termini – Creva on the left. Go on along the street close to Biviglione, where you keep right on a road closed to vehicles. Not far from there, go past the beginning of path 413 for Monte Sette Termini on the right and continue on the street in the wood, at half slope, enjoying glimpses on the River Tresa valley and eventually get to Cremenaga, Via XI Febbraio. From here, head to the Parish Church and at its parvis, turn into Via Spaini walking as far as the junction with Via Vallone, go past the beginning of the mule track for Pian della Nave on the right and continue along Viale delle Rimembranze as far as the Cremenaga Town Hall. Turn left into Via Vittorio Veneto and reach the SP61 Via Provinciale. Turn left here and then immediately right as to reach the Customs Office of Cremenaga.

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Altro in questa categoria: Itinerary 171 Bonga-M.Bedea-Longhirolo »

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Via Luini 16
21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

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