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Itinerary 207A Path 3V 7th Leg, Alternative Path Creva - Cattel

Total length of the route: 1.570 Km
Walking time (outward route): 0:30 hrs
Walking time (return route): 0:25 hrs
Uphill: 97 m
Downhill: 24 m

This path enables you to reach Località Cattel from Creva, passing through Moncucco and the Brughiera. It starts from Via Creva, at the junction with Via Bel Tempo.
Turn into Via Bel Tempo and get to Via Moncucco walking up the flight of steps at the end of the street which takes you to Via Moncucco on the left. Go along Via Moncucco and walk up a very small street on the right taking you to Via Cervinia at the crossing with Via Brughiere. Walk up this street as far as the junction to Vicolo del Prati where you cross path 181. Go along Via Brughiere and leave the junction to Località Trebedora (181A) on the left. Take the dirt road on the left going through the wood and getting you to Via del Cattel where you cross path 207 again.

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Via Luini 16
21016 Luino - Varese
tel. 0332 511101
email: cailuino@cailuino.it
PEC: luino@pec.cai.it

PIVA: 01664110127


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