This alternative to path 115 - Zenna – Passo Forcora links locality Nove Fontane to Alpe Quadra, a cluster of well-kept alpine cottages, overlooking the meadows with a panoramic view over the valley, from which you can then go on to reach the Forcora.
Keep on the dirt road leading from Nove Fontane to Passo Forcoara and get to the junction where this alternative starts on the right. Walk downhill along the forest road, which at first seems to be returning towards Nove Fontane, and reach a turning where the direction reverses, reach a crossing at a following turn, keep right and eventually get to the crossing with path 115A. Turn left into the dirt road that leads to Alpe Quadra and from here head for Forcora.
By linking path 115 to path 115A, this alternative path provides an easy and pleasant circular walk starting from and arriving at Passo Forcora. The route lies on the old track of the cross-country ski trail which used to be groomed only when snow conditions allowed it, which happens very seldom nowadays.
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